
Our Fitness Classes

Below are a selection of our classes and services in Bedfordshire, UK. Most classes can be done on a Pay As You Go basis, or block booking of classes which enables us to provide you with a discount.

Small Group Sessions

Small group sessions are for a maximum of 6 people for mat based classes and 7 people for chair classes. They  all run at the K-Shed in Potton,  during the day  and offer a more specific programme allowing individualised attention.

Community Group Sessions

Community group sessions are for a maximum of 15-18 people and run at Gamlingay Eco Hub  both during the day. Classes follow a general structure rather than focusing on individual requirements.

One to One Sessions

One to One sessions are designed specifically for individuals who would like specific classes without other members present or who have requirements suited to just them. They are run at the K-Shed in Potton.

Class Times / Locations

Classes run throughout the week at various times and at 2 different locations as detailed below. Classes can be booked as individual classes with no obligation to book another or as a block booking which comes with a discount.

Reduce Stress


Sharpen Memory